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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Vancouver Olympic games UA492CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 10000 2010 €67
Ivan Puliui UA491CM1 Proof 0.925 15.55g 5000 2010 €50
Year of the Tiger UA490CM1 Proof 0.925 15.55g 20000 2010 €60
15th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan TM203CM3 Proof 0.9167 7.98g 100 2010 €450
15th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan TM203CM2 Proof 0.9167 39.94g 200 2010 €1600
15th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan TM203CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 250 2010 €100
2 manat TM201CR1 UNC 11g 2010 €2
1 manat TM200CR1 UNC 9.5g 2010 €1
10 Years of EurAsEC TJ26CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 2000 2010 €120
20 years of TransDniester Republic PMR180CM3 Proof-like 0.999 125.5g 20 2010 €4500
Transnistria 2010 20 years of TransDniester Republic 20 years of TransDniester Republic PMR180CM2 Proof-like 0.999 62.7g 30 2010 €2200
Transnistria 2010 20 years of TransDniester Republic 20 years of TransDniester Republic PMR180CM1 Proof-like 0.925 33.8g 250 2010 €50
Transnistria 2010 65 Years of a Great Victory 65 Years of a Great Victory PMR179CM1 Proof-like 0.925 33.85g 250 2010 €65
Transnistria 2010 Year of a tiger Year of a tiger PMR178CM1 Proof-like 0.925 14.14g 250 2010 €65
10 bani 2010 MD26CR13 UNC 0.85g 2010 €0.25