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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Moldova 2013 1900 years since the inauguration of Trajan's Column 1900 years since the inauguration of Trajan's Column MD154CM1 Proof 0.999 31.1g 2000 2013 €75
The Little Plough (Pluguşorul) MD153CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 2000 2013 €45
Moldova 2013 Monastery Ţipova Monastery Ţipova MD152CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 2000 2013 €44
Moldova 2013 Mute Swan Mute Swan MD151CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 2000 2013 €45
Southern Damselfly MD150CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 2000 2013 €70
European Year of Citizens MD149CM1 Proof 0.999 31.1g 1000 2013 €75
Alexandru Plamadeala - 125th Birth Anniversary MD148CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2013 €42
Alexei Mateevici – 125th Birth Anniversary MD147CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2013 €42
Adrian Paunescu MD146CM2 Proof 0.999 7.8g 1000 2013 €400
Adrian Paunescu MD146CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2013 €42
Guguta - A Literary Character of Spiridon Vangheli’s Writing MD145CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 2000 2013 €42
Latvia 2013 365 365 LV145CM1 Proof 0.925 16.4g 5000 2013 €59
Latvia 2013 Parity coin Parity coin LV144CC1 UNC 4.8g 500000 2013 €3.5
Latvia 2013 Lestene Church Lestene Church LV143CM1 Proof 0.9999 1.2442g 5000 2013 €70
Latvia 2013 Jāzeps Vītols Jāzeps Vītols LV142CM1 Proof 0.925 22g 3000 2013 €44