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Pavadinimas Catalog ID Kokybė Metalas Purity Svoris Mintage Year Value
Kazakhstan 2015 100th anniversary of Ilyas Esenberlin Nickel silver 100 metų Iljasui Esenberlinui KZ300CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.05
Kazakhstan 2015 100th anniversary of Ermukhan Bekmahanov Nickel silver 100 metų Ermuchanui Bekmachanovui KZ299CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.05
Kazakhstan 2015 100th anniversary of Zhumabek Tashenev Nickel silver 100 metų Žumabekui Tašenevui KZ298CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.05
Kazakhstan 2015 Nasriddin Afandi Nickel silver Hodža Nasredinas KZ297CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.1
Kazakhstan 2015 Venera - 10 Nickel silver Venera - 10 KZ295CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €2
Kazakhstan 2015 Bata Nickel silver Bata KZ292CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.1
Kazakhstan 2015 Ustyurt’s moufflon Nickel silver Ustiurto muflonas KZ291CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.45
Kazakhstan 2015 100th anniversary of Malik Gabdullin Nickel silver Maliko Gabdulino 100-osios gimimo metinės KZ289CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.5
Kazakhstan 2015 Shymkent Šymkentas KZ286CC1 UNC 4.71g 50000 2015 €2
Kazakhstan 2015 Kokshetau Kokšetau KZ285CC1 UNC 4.71g 50000 2015 €2
Kazakhstan 2015 Almaty Almata KZ284CC1 UNC 4.71g 50000 2015 €2
Kazakhstan 2015 Astana Astana KZ283CC1 UNC 4.71g 50000 2015 €2
Kazakhstan 2015 Abai Nickel Silver Abajus KZ282CC1 UNC 11.17g 100000 2015 €1.8
The 20th Anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan 20 metų Kazachstano liaudies asamblėjai KZ281CC1 UNC 11.17g 50000 2015 €2.25
The 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan 20 metų Kazachstano Konstitucijai KZ280CC1 UNC 11.17g 50000 2015 €2.25