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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Christianity in Armenia - 1700 NKR34SC1 Proof 0.999 31.3g 2003 €40
Battle of Sardarapat NKR33SC1 Proof 0.999 31.3g 2003 €35
Aghtamar NKR32SC1 Proof 0.999 31.33g 2003 €35
Haik Nahapet NKR31SC1 Proof 0.999 31.43g 2003 €40
Lake Van NKR30SC1 Proof 0.999 31.3g 2003 €30
Feast of the wine MD73CM1 BU 25g 3000 2003 €25
Dimitrie Cantemir - 330th Anniversary MD72CM1 Proof 0.925 16.5g 500 2003 €60
European Mink MD71CM1 Proof 0.925 13.5g 500 2003 €50
Black Stork MD70CM1 Proof 0.925 13.5g 500 2003 €60
Miron Costin 370th Anniversary MD69CM1 Proof 0.925 16.5g 500 2003 €60
50 bani 2003 MD29CR2 UNC 3.1g 2003 €1
10 bani 2003 MD26CR8 UNC 0.85g 2003 €0.25
25 bani 2003 MD22CR7 UNC 0.95g 2003 €0.4
5 bani 2003 MD21CR8 UNC 0.75g 2003 €0.1
Latvia 2003 Courland Courland LV66CM1 Proof 0.925 31.47g 5000 2003 €60