he coin is dedicated to 150th anniversary of the heroic defence of Sevastopol, which lasted for 349 during the Crimean war, the greatest war taking place on the Ukrainian lands in 19th century. Some regiments raised in Ukraine participated in the war, such as Chernihiv, Poltava, Zhytomir, Podil, Odesa, Volyn and Kremenchuh regiments, as well as detachments of the Black Sea Cossack's forces. Along with V.Kornilov, P.Nakhimov, V.Istomin and others well-known Admirals of the Black Sea Sailing Fleet (which was sank to prevent access to Sevastopol harbor for enemy steam ships,
the true heroism was shown together with Russian soldiers and sailors also by Ukrainians: F.Zaika, I.Demchenko, D.Horlenko, M.Shulha, A.Gidenko, H.Shevchenko. I.Danilenko, as well as by P.Kishka, a legendary scout sailor.
In circulation since April 28, 2004.