The coin continues the "Sport" Series and is dedicated to the XXth Winter Olympic Games, which took place in Turin (Italy). Issued into circulation on February 28, 2006.
On the coin obverse there is a depiction of the Olympic torch against the background of a conventionalized glass toboggan road; to the right from the torch there are inscriptions: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ 10 ГРИВЕНЬ 2006 (National Bank of Ukraine) to the left there is the National Emblem of Ukraine; beneath: the logotype of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine; marking of the metal and its fineness Ag 925, and its weight in fineness.31,1 g.
On the coin reverse a female tobogganer on the road is depicted, to the left there is the emblem of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine against the background of a glass surface; to the right there are inscriptions: ЗИМОВІ ОЛІМПІЙСЬКІ ІГРИ / WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES/ 2006.