Commemorative coin is dedicated to one of the basics of life on Earth – Water. Their role is to attract attention of society to careful attitude towards the natural resources, in particular rivers, lakes, and seas. In circulation on May 25, 2007.
On the obverse of both coins in the inner circle there are ripples dispersing from a drop on the water surface, above – one drop more. In the outer circle there are the Small National Emblem of Ukraine to the left and the coin issue year: 2007 to the right, the circumferential legends: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine) above; there is the denomination: 20 ГРИВЕНЬ (20 hryvnias) below, as well as the logotype of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint.
On the reverse of the coin in the inner circle there is the symbolic composition – a man and waterfall are depicted. In the outer circle there is the circumferential legend ЧИСТА ВОДА – ДЖЕРЕЛО ЖИТТЯ (Clean water – the source of life).