Coin is dedicated to the Annunciation, one of the important Orthodox holidays, which is marked on April, 7. In circulation since March 31, 2008.
On the coin obverse above there is the small National Emblem of Ukraine and a semicircular inscription – НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine), in the centre there is a conventionalized setting of the Gospel, on both sides of which there are lilies, associated with the Virgin Mary. There are also placed the inscriptions: 10 ГРИВЕНЬ (10 Hryvnia), as well as designation of metal - Ag 925 and 31,1, its weight in fineness, 2008, the coins mintage year (beneath) and the Mint logotype of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the coin reverse there is a multi-figured composition - a first spring round dance, above - there is the Annunciation scene and the semicircular inscription: БЛАГОВІЩЕННЯ (Annunciation).