New Kazakhstan coin "Phrynocephalus mystaceus"

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The National Bank of Kazakhstan has put into circulation 500 tenge "Phrynocephalus mystaceus" coin on September 17th, 2010. Coin issued under "" coins series.

The coin is made in the shape of oval.

Obverse: face value“500 ТЕҢГЕ” in the center, under the face value metal, fineness and weight of the coin “Ag 925 24 g”,  year of coinage “2010”, trade mark of Kazakhstan mint. The name of issuing bank in Kazakh “ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҰЛТТЫҚ БАНКІ” on the upper sector on the circumference. Stylizes image of a butterfly and composition of flowers on the lower sector.

Reverse: images of two Phrynocephalus Mystaseus on barchan sands, one image is gilded. The name of the coin and name of the species in Kazakh “ҚҰЛАҚТЫ ЖҰМЫРБАС КЕСІРТКЕ” and Latin “PHRYNOCEPHALUS MYSTASEUS” on the edge of the oval

Images and inscription of the obverse and reverse sides are relief.
Lateral face is grooved.
Fineness: 925 Ag
Weight: 24 gr.
Oval: 38,61 х 28,81 mm
Quality: proof
Mintage: 4 000

Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan