The National Bank of Kazakhstan has put into circulation 500 tenge coins "Dome of the rock", "Kaaba" and "Sultan" under The world famous mosques coin series on December 1st, 2010.
Obverse of the coins: In the center the composition symbolizing entrance into Islam sanctuary consisting of image of arch and heraldic spiral. In the lower part "500 TENGE" means face value of the coin. To the right of the figures there is an inscription "Au 999". On the circumference there are legends "NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN", logotype of National Bank of Kazakhstan, sign and “2010”, which means the year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan mint.
Reverse of Dome of the rock coin: On central part there is an image of the Dome of the Rock mosque (Jerusalem). Along the circumference in the upper part indicates an inscription «DOME OF THE ROCK», in the lower part - «JERUSALEM» in English language.
Reverse of Kaaba coin: On central part there is an image of Kaaba mosque (Saudi Arabia). Along the circumference in the upper part indicates an inscription «KAABA», in the lower part - «MECCA» in English language.
Reverse of Sultan coin: On central part there is an image of Sultan mosque (Singapore). Along the circumference in the upper part indicates an inscription «SULTAN», in the lower part - «SINGAPORE» in English language.
Specifications of the coins:
Images and inscription of the obverse and reverse sides are relief.
Lateral face is grooved.
Fineness: 999 Au
Weight: 3.11 gr.
Diameter: 16 mm
Quality: proof
Mintage: 3 000
Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan