Face value of silver coin: 50 Lei
Weight: 13.00 g;
Diameter: 28.00 mm
Metal: silver of .925 fineness;
Quality: proof
Mintage: 500 pcs
Obverse: on the central part – the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova; on the upper part – the year of issue „2011”;on the bottom part -the inscription „50 LEI”;following the coin circumference– the inscription „REPUBLICA MOLDOVA” is engraved in block letters.
Face value of gold coin: 100 Lei
Weight: 7.8 g;
Diameter: 24.00 mm
Metal: gold of .9999 fineness;
Quality: proof
Mintage: 300 pcs
Obverse: on the central part – the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova; on the upper part – the year of issue „2011”;on the bottom part -the inscription „100 LEI”;following the coin circumference– the inscription „REPUBLICA MOLDOVA” is engraved in block letters.
Source of information: National Bank of Moldova www.bnm.md