Date of issue: November 7, 2004. Rock sculptures are megalith erections of enigmatic cult, encountered in the vast expanses of Eurasia.
On the right side of the coin there is an image of Tree of Life, symbol of relation between worlds in the notion of Turkic people. To the right two-line legend "500 ТЕҢГЕ" indicates face value of the coin. To the right there are a legend "Ag 925 24 gr." indicating production metal, standard of coinage and weight, and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint. Along the circumference of the coin there are two legends "ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҰЛТТЫҚ БАНКІ" and "NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN" divided by dots.
On the back side of the coin in the center there is a composition of rock statues. To the right a figure "2004" indicates the year of coinage. Along the circumference of the coin there is a name of coin in Kazakh (ТАС МYСIНДЕР) and in English (THE ROCK STATUES).