New Kazakhstan coin Allactaga Elater

New Kazakhstan coin Allactaga Elater

The National Bank of Kazakhstan has put into circulation 500 tenge "Allactaga Elater" coin on June 29th, 2012. Coin issued under "" coins series.

The coin is made in the shape of oval.

Obverse: face value“500 ТЕҢГЕ”, trademark of Kazakhstan Mint, stylized image of Allactaga Elater running on the background of stylized dunes and the sun setting over the horizon, the name of issuing bank in Kazakh “ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҰЛТТЫҚ БАНКІ”, and metal, fineness and weight of the coin "Ag 925 24 gr.".

Reverse: stylized image of the Allactaga Elater, on the background of the stylized desert surface - its typical habitat. Name of the coin in Kazakh "ҚOSAYAҚ" and in Latin 'ALLACTAGA ELATER", year of issue "2012".

Images and inscription of the obverse and reverse sides are relief.
Lateral face is grooved.
Fineness: 925 Ag
Weight: 24 gr.
Oval: 38,61 х 28,81 mm
Quality: proof
Mintage: 5000

Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan