The coin is rectangular in shape. The dimensions: 90.0 х 135.0 mm.
The Barkolabovskaya Theotokos was initially kept in Barkolabovsky St. John the Baptist (Voznesensky) Convent, located 8 kilometers north of Bykhov on the right bank of the Dnieper, which was founded in 1623 by Bogdan Stetkevich. According to legend, the icon was brought to the Convent on July 11, 1659 by some “Prince of Russian warriors” Pozharsky who gave it to the abbess Photinaya. In 1882 the Voznesenskaya Church of the Barkolabovsky Convent burned down but the miraculous icon was saved from the fire. During the Great Patriotic War the icon was kept by nuns in the closed Barkolabovsky Convent. According to other sources, it was kept in the chapel at the railway station Bykhov. In 1953 before the Easter the miracle-working icon was brought to the Trinity Church of Bykhov and placed in a special icon-case where it is stored until now.