New Latvian coin 365

New Latvian coin 365

On Thursday, 14 November, the Bank of Latvia issues a silver collector coin "365" offering intellectual and scientific reflection on the topic of time and change. This coin puts a symbolic full stop to the era of the renewed lats.

The artist of the coin is Paulis Liepa. The coin was struck by Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (the Netherlands). It features a circle symbolising 360 + 5 degrees and thus incorporating also the time reference.

An interesting rebus of fractions has also been encoded in the coin, based on the number 4: seasons, points on the compass, quarters. The obverse of the coin depicts concentric circular lines symbolising one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one month and one year, while on the reverse the artist transforms a shiny sector in the diagram of a circle into a symbol for 1 lats.

The collector coin "365" is legal tender in the Republic of Latvia. The maximum mintage of the coin is limited to 5 000.

Face value: 1 lats
Weight: 16.40 g; diameter: 30.00 mm
Metal: silver of .925 fineness; quality: proof
Struck in 2013 by Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (the Netherlands)
Artist: Paulis Liepa

The obverse features a circle symbolising 360 + 5 degrees, including also the time reference point. The year 2013 is placed on the circle at the top. The concentric lines within the circle represent 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month and 1 year. The inscription LATVIJAS REPUBLIKA is semi-circled at the bottom.

The reverse features an intricate pattern of lines which turn into circles; the diagram comprises a shiny sector resembling the form of the number 1. The inscription LATS is placed at the lower part of the reverse to the right from the shiny sector.


Source of information: Bank of Latvia