New Kazakhstan coin Homeland of Apples

New Kazakhstan coin Homeland of Apples

The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the issue, effective from 13 November 2013, of the commemorative silver coin with plating of golf of “proof” quality “Homeland of Apples” of the “Property of the Republic” series of coins, of the nominal value of KZT 500.

Homeland of Apples” coin is manufactured using the technology of gold plating on the coin surface.

“Kazakhstan is a homeland of the culture of apples in the planet” – that is a conclusion at which the British scientists from Oxford arrived, having researched the DNA of our “wild apple” and many varieties of this fruit. Jointly with the scientists from the USA, Canada and other countries they have proved that these are the genes of Kazakhstani wild apple-tree that underlie most of the varieties known throughout the world. The natural storage of this genofond is the wild fruit forests in the south and south-east of Kazakhstan

Obverse: stylized image of fructiferous apple-tree tracing its roots to the hilly place symbolizing an aura of favorable growth of apples; emblem of National Bank of Kazakhstan; an inscriptions "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in Kazakh along the circumference, face value of the coin "500 ТЕҢГЕ", and an inscription «REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN" in English; inscriptions are divided by dots.

Reverse: a stylized image of fructiferous apple-tree with gilded (ripe) apples; the trademark of Kazakhstan Mint; name of the coin in Kazakh «АЛМА ОТАНЫ» along the circumference, year of issue «2013» ; metal, standard of coinage and weight «Ag 925 31,1 g.» name of the coin in English «HOMELAND OF APPLES»; inscriptions are divided by dots.
Images and inscription of the obverse and reverse sides are relief.

Lateral face is grooved.
Fineness: 925 Ag
Weight: 31.1 gr.
Diameter: 38,61 mm
Quality: proof
Mintage: 7 000

Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan