After the Lithuanian Sajudis for independence (which had lasted for two tumultuous, but peaceful, years), on 11 March 1990, with the encouragement of Stasys Lozoraitis Jr., chief of Lithuania’s diplomacy in exile, the Supreme Council of Lithuania, chaired by Vytautas Landsbergis, announced the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. It, appealing to the continuity of the constitutional foundations of the 1918 Act of 16 February and the 15 May 1920 Declaration of the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania, urbi et orbi proclaimed “that the execution of the sovereign powers of the State of Lithuania abolished by foreign forces in 1940, is re-established, and henceforth Lithuania is again an independent state”. This way it was very clearly stated that with the 11 March Act that the Lithuanian State was not created, it was only re-established — restitutio in integrum — the execution of its sovereign powers, which had been interrupted by force by the Soviet occupation and annexation, lasting half a century.