New Ukrainian coin Jacques Hnizdovsky

New Ukrainian coin Jacques Hnizdovsky

On March 31st, 2015, the National Bank of Ukraine put the commemorative coin "Jacques Hnizdovsky" of 2 hryvnia face value into circulation from  coin series.

Jacques Hnizdovsky (Ukrainian: Яків Гніздовський, Polish: Jakob Gniazdowski, Croatian: Jakiv Hnizdovskij), (1915–1985) was a Ukrainian-American painter (working in oil, acrylic, tempera and watercolor), printmaker, sculptor, illustrator and lettering designer.

The coin is made from German silver, quality− “special uncirculated”, weight – 12.8 g, diameter – 31.0 mm, mintage – 30,000 pieces. The coin edge is grooved.

Source of information: National Bank of Ukraine