The gold coin of 50 apsars denomination of the series “The Patriotic War of the Abkhaz Nation1992-1993” dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Victory featuring the figure of the warrior keeping the flag.
The obverse (Proof-like): in the upper central part of the coin, on the smooth field – the relief picture of the state emblem of the Republic of Abkhazia. Under the emblem – the inscription in Abkhaz “Аҧсны Абанк”(The Bank of Abkhazia), above it – the semicircular inscription that indicate the denomination of the coin “50 ҦСАР” (50 APSARS). Along the rim to the left - the indication of the metal sign in accordance with the D.I.Mendeleyev Periodic System of Elements, to the right - the fineness and the mint trade mark. In the lower part of the coin on the matted field and raised small print inscriptions in five lines “Аҧсны Абанк” - the year of mintage "2008"
on the matted field – the prominent contour figure of the warrior keeping the flag flying. Along the rim above the figure of the warrior with the flag - the inscriptions «АИААИРА»(VICTORY) and the dates «1992» and «1993» divided by dots. All inscriptions and the figure of the warrior are smooth surfaced.