Hirbovat Monastery

Hirbovat Monastery is located in the same valley as Ikel River. From the northern part it is neighbored by the Hirbovat village, from western part the monastery is surrounded with beautiful gardens and vineyards, from the southern part, a picturesque valley protects the monastery.

The monastery was found in 1730 by the noble man Constantin Carpuz, but according to some historians, it was found in XVII century by some cursory friars, coming from Bersan Monastery (Podolia). There are several versions concerning the monastery's name origin. According to a source, it comes from the Moldavian word “hirbi” (hill), as the monastery stands on a mountain. Other version explains it with the disfigurement of the first Father Superior of the monastery, Ioanniky Hunchback. The third version tells that the name ‘Hirbovat' comes from Latin “herba” (grass). The proof is that a various medicinal herbs are growing in the neighborhood of the monastery.

Until 1812, the monastery complex was three times sat on fire and ruined by Ottomans and Tatars, as consequence of the fire, the entire monastic registry was destroyed. A stone temple with the Holy Virgin Dormition festival is located in the monastic complex; it was found by the layman Stefan Lupu (later the monk – Serapion). Other temple with the Descending of the Holy Ghost festival was funded in 1870, at the times of Ierohim and Natanail priors.

The attention of visitors is involved in the Hirbovat icon of Virgin Mary, famous for numerous wonders, offered as a gift by the Russian colonel Nicolai’s Albaduev wife (the colonel Albaduev died in this monastery). The icon is still kept there and works wonders.

Dating with the Serafim dean, data about all priors are kept and namely: Prior Serafim (1805-1827), Prior Ioanichi, (1827-1851), Prior Mitrofan, (1851-1852), Prior Tihon, (1852-1853), Superior Gherontie (1853-1857), Prior Ieronim (1857-1863), Prior Natanail (1863-1873), Prior Serafim (1873-1875), Superior Leonid (1875-1879), Prior Ilarion (1879-1885), Superior Sinisie (1885-1887), Superior Isaia (1887-1888), Hieromonk Nicodim (1888-1890), Dean Paisie (1890-1891), Superior Leonid (1891-1893), Dean Inochentie (1893-1906), Dean Teognost (1906), Dean Teognost Dodos (1918).

In XX century, Hirbovat Monastery was one of the few functioning monasteries. Here were taking refuge friars from Capriana, Tiganesti, and other monasteries.

In 1962, the monastery keys were confiscated. The police pleaded by an army came to the monastic complex in order to forestall a possible revolt similar to Raciula Monastery revolt. Soldiers destroyed the Descending of the Holy Ghost temple basement – the place where monastery personalities were buried. The temple altar and iconostasis were destroyed too. Six monastery bells were descended and taken away from the monastic complex. Icons, books and monastery archive were burned.

After destruction, the monastery was transformed into a school for children with handicap. The temple became a school club and its basement was transformed into a deposit. Later the temple became a stable for animals. In1988 – 1989, the school husbandry begun the monastery restoration.

School was functioning until spring 1992 and at the request of local and neighboring citizens the monastery for friars was reestablished. Monastic complex was in bad condition, the Holy Virgin Dormition temple being in a better condition after reparation from 1990 – 1991.

The first monastery prior who is operating with monastery at present is Superior Serafim.

In 1992, after a trifling reparation and arrangement, the Holy Virgin Dormition temple for winter orations was hallowed. The tmple has a traditional rectangular plan. The steeple is situated above the threshold. It has a traditional plan: pronave, followed by a nave and altar. In the altar there is an iconostas dating from 1997, its icons being painted yet; the temple ceiling taking a cylindric shape, its brushwork is simple. There are various icons on the walls including the Saint Pantelemon icon with a piece of saint’s relic enframed into a six angle star; Saint Varvara icon and others.

In autumn 1993, the temple for summer orations was reconstructed and hallowed.

Translated from Romanian by Felicia Lupasco, Moldova.ORG


Moldova 2000 Hirbovat Monastery
on the central part – the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova; on the upper part - figure „2000”; on the bottom part -the inscription „50 LEI”; following the coin circumference– the inscription "REPUBLICA MOLDOVA" is engraved in block letters.
on the central part -the image of the monastery and parts of landscape stand out in the; on the upper part , following the coin circumference- the inscription "MĂNĂSTIREA HÎRBOVĂŢ" is engraved in block letters.
Hirbovat Monastery
Hirbovat Monastery
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