With the issuance into circulation of the €2 coin dedicated to Vilnius, the Bank of Lithuania sends a message to the world about a modern and tolerant city, conducive to business, trade, and life.
The centre of the national side of the coin depicts the architectural landscape of Vilnius, featuring the Bell Tower of Vilnius University, the Tower of the Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard and the domes of an Orthodox church. The words VILNIUS and LIETUVA are inscribed in a semi-circle. The Lithuanian Mint mark is also impressed. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.
Left from the centre face value: 2, on the right inscription EURO; in the background of the inscription a map of Europe; in the background of the map vertically six parallel lines ending on both sides with five-pointed stars. Initials LL below letter 'O' in EURO on the reverse.