National Bank of
Kazakhstan has released "
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (German tale)" commemorative coins under
Tales of the People of Kazakhstan coin series on October 11th 2017.
100 tenge nickel silver coin.
Face value: 100 tenge;
Diameter – 31 mm, thickness – 2 mm, weight – 11,17 gram;
Mintage: 10 000 pcs.
The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin — «100», and inscription «ТЕҢГЕ» at lower sector; an element of national ornament secularly represented at the left and the right sector; inscriptions "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in Kazakh and «РЕСПУБЛИКА КАЗАХСТАН» in Russian along the circumference.
Characters of the Germanl fairy tale «Bremen Town Musicians»; an inscription «DIE BREMER STADTMUSIKANTEN» in Kazakh; number «2017» means year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint
500 tenge silver coin.
Face value: 500 tenge;
Quality: proof, metal - silver 0.925;
Diameter – 37 mm, weight – 24 gram;
Mintage: 2000 pcs.
The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin — «500», and inscription «TENGE» at lower sector; an element of national ornament secularly represented at the left and the right sector; inscriptions “REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN” in Kazakh and Russian along the circumference.
Characters of the Germanl fairy tale «Bremen Town Musicians»; an inscription «DIE BREMER STADTMUSIKANTEN» in Kazakh; “Ag 925 24 g”, number «2017» means year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint