New Kazakhstan coins Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (German tale)

New Kazakhstan coins Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (German tale)
New Kazakhstan coins Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (German tale)
National Bank of Kazakhstan has released "Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (German tale)" commemorative coins under  coin series on October 11th 2017.

100 tenge nickel silver coin.

Face value: 100 tenge;
Diameter – 31 mm, thickness – 2 mm, weight – 11,17 gram;
Mintage: 10 000 pcs.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin — «100», and inscription «ТЕҢГЕ» at lower sector; an element of national ornament secularly represented at the left and the right sector; inscriptions "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in Kazakh and «РЕСПУБЛИКА КАЗАХСТАН»  in Russian along the circumference.
Characters of the Germanl fairy tale «Bremen Town Musicians»; an inscription «DIE BREMER STADTMUSIKANTEN» in Kazakh; number «2017» means year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint

500 tenge silver coin.

Face value: 500 tenge;
Quality: proof, metal - silver 0.925;
Diameter – 37 mm, weight – 24 gram;
Mintage: 2000 pcs.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin — «500», and inscription «TENGE» at lower sector; an element of national ornament secularly represented at the left and the right sector; inscriptions “REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN” in Kazakh and Russian along the circumference.
Characters of the Germanl fairy tale «Bremen Town Musicians»; an inscription «DIE BREMER STADTMUSIKANTEN» in Kazakh; “Ag 925 24 g”, number «2017» means year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint
Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan