Dedicated to the well-known Ukrainian film studio, whose long history has created a large number of popular films. The Odessa film studio of feature films was organized in 1919 on the basis of several private productions ("Miragraf" (1907), "Mizrach" (1914), film studio K. Borisov and the film factory D. Kharitonov). A. Dovzhenko started his creative work at the film studio (Zvenigora, Arsenal films), L. Kurbas ("Swedish Match"), artist and director I. Kavaleridze ("The Drain") worked on the creative activity of K. Muratova, actors M. Zankovetska, N. Uzhvy, G. Yura and many others worked there. Odessa Film Studio - favorite place of creativity of many famous directors. More than 300 films have been filmed at the film studio, more than 1500 films have been made to popular films, including "The Imperial Castle", "The place of the meeting can not be changed", "In search of Captain Grant", "The Ten Negroes", "The Green Box" "," D'Artagnan and three musketeers "and others.