Mint is The Kazakhstan mint of NB RK, Ust–Kamenogorsk or Berlin Mint (Germany).
On the top of the coin face you can see a National Emblem of Kazakhstan and and a face valuе and a 'ТЕҢГЕ' Kazakh legend underneath in two lines. A 'ҚҰБ' Kazakh legend is on the right of the Emblem. To the left and the right of the face value there is a national design element. To the left of the circumference there is a 'ҚАЗАҚСТАН' Kazakh legend and to the left a 'ҰЛТТЫК БАНКI' Kazakh legend. There is a salient edging as a circumference.
In the center of the coin underside you can see an imprint of a mythic rooster bird. On the top - a heraldic spiral imprint. On the circumference there is a 'ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ' legend separated with the engrave Year in the bottom.