the close-up portrait of Fyodor Bursak , the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, in Cossack uniform against the background of the battlefield. The inscriptions along the edging as follows : "ФЁДОР БУРСАК" (Fyodor Bursak) in Cyrillic is to the left of the portrait , "КОШЕВОЙ АТАМАН ЧКВ 1782-1825" (THE ATAMAN OF BSCA in 1782-1825) is to the right of the portrait. An inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЕ - КРАЙ КАЗАЧИЙ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) written on the stylized ribbon along the edging is under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating the year of forming of the Black Sea Cossack Army is in the middle of the ribbon.