New Kazakhstan gold coin "Ounce"

New Kazakhstan gold coin "Ounce"

New Kazakhstan gold coin  "Ounce" was issued on March 29, 2010.

Averse: State Emblem of Kazakhstan on ornamental background, face value of the coin “100 ТЕҢГЕ”, name of the issuing bank in Kazakh “ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҰЛТТЫҚ БАНКІ” along circumference, trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint and "Au 999" means metal and standard of coinage.

Reverse: ounces against stylized mountain background, year of coinage “2009”, name of zoological species in Kazakh “БАРЫС” and in Latin “UNCIA UNCIA”.

All images are relief. Lateral face is grooved. Fineness: 999 Au. Weight: 31.1 gr. Diameter: 32 mm Quality: proof Mintage: max 1 500 (1 000 for internal Kazakhstan market).

Source of information: The National bank of Kazakhstan