In the center on the right – the relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus and an inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ (THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS); on the left – the relief image of the Курган Славы monument (MOUND OF GLORY) and inscriptions: ВІЦЕБСК, МАГІЛЁЎ, МІНСК, ГРОДНА, БРЭСТ (VITEBSK, MOGILEV, MINSK, GRODNO, BREST); circumferential inscriptions: the denomination: 10 РУБЛЁЎ (10 RUBLES) on the silver coin and 1 РУБЕЛЬ (1 RUBLE) on the copper–nickel one, АПЕРАЦЫЯ БАГРАЦІЁН (OPERATION BAGRATION), and the year of issue (the alloy standard on the silver coin).