You are in our coin catalog. Coin catalog is not a coin shop. We do show values of coins in catalog just for informational purposes.

Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
100 years of Moldovan football MD124CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 1000 2010 €90
Doina and Ion Aldea-Teodorovici – twin hearts MD123CM2 Proof 0.9999 15.5g 300 2010 €600
Doina and Ion Aldea-Teodorovici – twin hearts MD123CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 500 2010 €90
Maria Cebotari – 100 years since birth MD122CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 500 2010 €90
Old Orhei MD121CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 500 2010 €95
Traditional Musical Instruments MD120CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 500 2010 €90
Horseshoe LV120CC1 UNC 4.8g 500000 2010 €4.4
Horseshoe LV119CC1 UNC 4.8g 500000 2010 €4.4
Coin of Time III LV118CM1 UNC 17.15g 7000 2010 €65
Latvia 2010 Amber coin Amber Coin LV117CM1 Proof 0.925 20.7g 7000 2010 €170
Latvia 2010 The Latvian ABC Book Silver The Latvian ABC Book LV116CM2 Proof 0.925 31.47g 5000 2010 €59
Latvia 2010 The Latvian ABC Book CuNi The Latvian ABC Book LV116CM1 BU 12.4g 10000 2010 €12
Latvia 2010 Toad CuNi Toad LV115CC1 UNC 4.8g 1000000 2010 €3
Declaration of Independence LV114CM1 Proof 0.925 31.47g 7000 2010 €55
Duke Jacob's 400th Anniversary LV113CM1 Proof 0.925 31.47g 5000 2010 €55