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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Lithuania 2005 Palace of the Rulers CuNi Palace of the Rulers LT80CC1 UNC 6.25g 1000000 2005 €3
Cardinal Sladkevicius LT79CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 2000 2005 €145
Lithuania 2005 National Museum of Lithuania National Museum of Lithuania LT78CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 1500 2005 €250
Kernave LT77CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 2000 2005 €165
Kazakhstan 2005 Red Wolf Gold Red Wolf KZ96CM1 Proof 0.999 7.78g 5000 2005 €475
Kazakhstan 2005 Adyrna Adyrna KZ95CM1 Proof 0.925 24g 3000 2005 €52
Kazakhstan 2005 Goitered Gazelle Goitered Gazelle KZ94CM1 Proof 0.925 24g 3000 2005 €70
Zhoshi Khan Mausoleum KZ93CM1 Proof 0.925 24g 3000 2005 €55
Horseman KZ91CM1 Proof 0.925 24g 3000 2005 €60
Drakhma KZ90CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 5000 2005 €60
United Nation 60 KZ89CC1 UNC 6.45g 100000 2005 €2.5
Kazakhstan 2005 10th Anniversary of the Kazakhstan Constitution 10th Anniversary of the Kazakhstan Constitution KZ88CC1 UNC 11.17g 50000 2005 €5
Kazakhstan 2005 Winter Olympic games 2006 Winter Olympic games 2006 KZ87CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 11000 2005 €42
Ancient Turkestan KZ86CM1 Proof 0.999 1.24g 15000 2005 €50
Kazakhstan 2005 60th anniversary of Victory Nickel silver 60th anniversary of Victory KZ85CC1 UNC 11.17g 50000 2005 €25