The coin is dedicated to 150th anniversary of Maria Zankovetska, an outstanding actress, a public figure, one of the founders of the Ukrainian National theatre and the first People's artist of Ukraine (1923). In circulation since June 15, 2004.
On the coin obverse upon the mirror-like background there is the small State Emblem of Ukraine and inscriptions: УКРАЇНА (above) and 2 ГРИВНІ / 2004 (beneath); in the centre there is a depiction of a stylized flower; to the right this composition is framed with a stage curtain. On the coin obverse there is also the Mint logo of the National Bank of Ukraine.
On the coin reverse in the foreground the portrait of Maria Zankovetska is depicted; on the background there is a stylized flower ornamental pattern; to the left around the circumference there is an inscription: МАРІЯ ЗАНЬКОВЕЦЬКА and beneath - 1854-1934, her years of life.