During the latter half of the twentieth century the preservation and the protection of the Earth's wildlife has become of great importance to all the countries of the world. Such concern is often recorded on a nation's coinage and the Royal Mint is proud to strike a limited quantity of silver Proof coins for Armenia in conjunction with the Central Bank's reguest. The coin is included in a prestigious international coin collection featuring endangered and indigenous fauna and flora. In Armenia the Caucasian Otter can be found in fresh water reservoirs and along river banks. Unfortunately, the number of Caucasian Otters in Armenia has rapidly decreased due to the reduced water level in Lake Sevan, water pollution, the reduction in the number of fish and the increase in poaching. The Caucasian Otter is preserved by the Government and is registered in the Armenian Red Book.
Lutra lutra meridionalis Ognev
Status. It is under the disappearing threat. It is included in the former USSR Red book.
Distribution. In Armenia it was met everywhere from dry subtropics and semideserts till forest and mountain steppes area includingly heights from 550 till 2100 meters over sea level (3).
Habitats and their up-to-date conditions. It is settled in fresh- watered reservoirs in all landscaped zone. It settled in holes burrowed in picitrout shores of reservoirs and more rare in cracks rocks. Reservations are intensively mastering.
Quantity in nature. Modern quantity data is absent. Reproduction. Coupling is watched in December-April.
To otter is peculiar to pause in development of foethus by 210-240 days duration. More often youngs borning are marked in May (3) once in two years. In litter are from 1 till 5 youngs, more often 2-3 (2,4,5).
Competitors, enemies, diseases. In Armenia the single enemy of otter is man. There is no competitors.
Reasons of quantity change. During last fiftieth years quantity of otters is shorten, which was called by decreasing of Sevan level, rivers shoaling, draining of bogs, which bring to sharp changing of shore
relief and, in the whole, to reservations worsening.
Other reason of quantity shortening is water dirtiness by industrial and agricultural wastes, which bring to abruptly decreasing of rivers fishiness and also poaching.
Quantity in captivity. No information.
Reproduction in captivity. No information.
Admitted protection measures. Hunting has been forbidden since 1960.
Necessary protection measures. Study of biology, determine of number, specification of area and provide of necessary protection. Using of Sevan National Park for restoring of otters number with theirs following settling throughout of Republic.