Jubilee coin is dedicated to 1000th anniversary of the Tithe Church foundation in Kiyv, the first stone temple in Kiyv Rus. In circulation since November 26,1996.
On the coin obverse in the middle of the beads circumference decoration, framed with conventionalized vegetal ornament, there is a depiction of the God Mother Odyhitriya with a baby - fragment of a bas-relief over the church portal, preserved until now. Above the God Mother depiction there is the State Emblem of Ukraine. Around the coin circumference there is an inscription УКРАЇНА, underneath there are inscriptions 1996, the year of issue and in two lines - 2 ГРИВНІ. The whole composition is framed with the beads circumference decoration.
On the coin reverse in the center there are the contours of the Tithe Church reconstructed after professor J.S.Aseyev to underline, that the structure does not exist in reality. These contours are presented with mirror lines on a mat background; they give an impression of emerging from the really existed foundation. On the upper mat coin surface around the coin circumference there are inscriptions КИЇВ, ДЕСЯТИННА ЦЕРКВА, 996 р., separated from one another with a conventionalized birds depiction. Underneath on the mirror background there is a ribbon with an inscription ДУХОВНІ СКАРБИ УКРАЇНИ.