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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Lithuania 2001 1 Litas 1 Litas LT47CR5 UNC 6.25g 2001 €0.3
10 years of independence of Kazakhstan KZ47CC1 UNC 11.17g 50000 2001 €4
1 kroon EE55CR4 UNC 5g 2001 €0.1
1 sum UZ70CR1 UNC 2.72g 2000 €0.5
On the Edge of Millenniums (2000) UA149CM1 UNC 9.4g 50000 2000 €30
2600th anniversary of Kerch city UA147CM1 UNC 16.54g 50000 2000 €11
Kateryna Bilokour UA144CM1 UNC 12.8g 30000 2000 €13
100 Years of L'viv Opera and Ballet Theatre UA143CM2 UNC 16.54g 50000 2000 €10
Ukraine 2000 Baptizing of Rus Baptizing of Rus UA142CM1 UNC 16.54g 100000 2000 €14
Ukraine 2000 Potamon Tauricum Nickel silver Potamon Tauricum UA139CM1 UNC 12.8g 50000 2000 €22
Ukraine 2000 Oles' Honchar Oles' Honchar UA138CM1 UNC 12.8g 20000 2000 €15.5
Sydney Olympic games. Free Calisthenics UA137CM1 UNC 12.8g 50000 2000 €5
Sydney Olympic games. Sailing Sport UA136CM1 UNC 12.8g 50000 2000 €5
Bilgorod-Dnistrovskiy UA135CM1 UNC 16.54g 50000 2000 €13
Ukraine 2000 55th Annivesary - Victory in World War II 55th Annivesary - Victory in World War II UA134CM1 UNC 12.8g 50000 2000 €18