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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
10 Years of Ukraine Independence UA170CM3 Proof 0.9 3.88g 3000 2001 €760
10 Years of Ukraine Independence UA170CM2 Proof 0.925 62.2g 1000 2001 €2600
Ukraine 2001 10 Years of Ukraine Independence Nickel silver 10 Years of Ukraine Independence UA170CM1 UNC 16.54g 100000 2001 €6.5
Ukraine 2001 Salt Lake City Olympic games. Hockey Silver Salt Lake City Olympic games. Hockey UA169CM2 Proof 0.925 31.1g 15000 2001 €45
Salt Lake City Olympic games. Hockey UA169CM1 UNC 12.8g 30000 2001 €9
Ukraine 2001 5 Years of the Constitution of Ukraine Nickel silver 5 Years of the Constitution of Ukraine UA168CM1 UNC 12.8g 30000 2001 €17.5
Ukraine 2001 Good to Children Good to Children UA167CM1 UNC 12.8g 100000 2001 €7
Ostroh Academy UA166CM1 UNC 16.54g 30000 2001 €13
Ukraine 2001 Lynx Lynx Silver Lynx Lynx UA165CM2 Proof 0.925 31.1g 3000 2001 €259
Ukraine 2001 Lynx nickel silver Lynx Lynx UA165CM1 UNC 12.8g 30000 2001 €33
Ukraine 2001 10 Years of the National Bank of Ukraine Silver 10 Years of the National Bank of Ukraine UA164CM2 Proof 0.925 31.1g 3000 2001 €150
Ukraine 2001 10 Years of the National Bank of Ukraine Nickel silver 10 Years of the National Bank of Ukraine UA164CM1 UNC 16.54g 50000 2001 €13
Ukraine 2001 On the Edge of Millenniums (2001) On the Edge of Millenniums (2001) UA163CM1 UNC 9.4g 50000 2001 €22
Ukraine 2001 Ivan Mazepa Ivan Mazepa UA162CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 5000 2001 €130
Yaroslav the Wise UA161CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 3000 2001 €900